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Regional Identity

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The Location

Coordinantes - 20.798697163999734, -105.14022472329809


Address - Carr Las Palmas KM 18 Ixtapa, Centro, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco Mexico 48280


Elevation - 50 meters above sea level

The Climate

Tropical wet and dry climate with dry winters and rainy summers.


Temperature - 70 °F (21 °C) to 86 °F (30 °C)


Humidity - 75%.


Rainfall - 54". 

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The Flora

Fruit - Coconut, lime, papaya, bananas, guamuchiles, guanabana, uba, and more.


Trees - Parota, higuera, and palm. We also planted pata elephantes which is considered to be a threatend species.


Flowers - Bugambilias, ixoras, and  crown of thorns.

The Fauna

Insects - Bees, mosquitos, scorpions, spiders, tarantulas, and beetles. 


Reptiles - Iguanas, lizards, frogs, snakes, and turtles.


Mammals - Donkeys, mules, cows, horse, buffalo, bats, rabbits, chickens, mice, and dogs.


Sea Life -  Small fish and river lobsters.



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